Brage Academy

Learn from Language Experts

Online One to One Language Courses from beginner level to Expert Level. Our courses are specially designet for any Skills or type of Business. Try us out!

Actionable Training

We do offer different online language courses

Interesting Quizzes

All courses have designed packages of quizzes

Premium Material

Get all the materials and books that is needed

This website is under construction and updating. All pricing are set to fictive levels. Do not order any paid service before this message is removed. Feel free to use our FREE service and to contact us trough forms.
// Regards Olaf Rudolfsen

Our Most Popular Courses

Language, Marketing and Yoga Courses is some of our Specialities.

4.00 USD

Social Media Marketing

One to One Social Media Marketing Course

5.00 USD

Email Marketing Strategies

One to One Email Marketing Course

1.00 USD

English A1 Beginner

One to One Beginner Level

2.00 USD

Norwegian A1 Beginner Level

One to One Beginner Level

3.00 USD

Norwegian A2 Medium Level

One to One Medium Level

4.00 USD

Norwegian A3 Advanced Level

One to One Advanced Level

3.00 USD

English A2 Elementary

One to One Elementary Level

3.00 USD

English B1 Low Intermediate

One to One Low Intermediate Level

4.50 USD

English B2 Upper Intermediate

One to One Upper Intermediate Level

5.00 USD

English C1 Advanced

One to One Advanced Level

6.00 USD

English C2 Proficiency

One to One Highest Expert Level


English Language Introduction

One to One Free Introduction Course

1.00 USD

Yoga Startup Course

Yoga Startup Course

Be in Demand with Our Professional Training

We are proud to be a part of a new tendens and a web based online service that offer you the possibilities to learn new Languages.

Olaf Rudolfsen — Founder & CEO.

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Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

What Our Students Have to Say

I am so thankful to Brage Academy for helping me to learn English better. I am from Spain and my english was not good before. Now I feel ready to move on to somewhere in Scandinavia to find work.
Alejandro Hernandez
From Badajoz, Spain
I am so thankful to Brage Academy for helping me to learn English better. I am from Spain and my english was not good before. Now I feel ready to move on to somewhere in Scandinavia to find work.
Zasha Panchenko
From Mariupol Ukraine
I am Asian with some mixed Viking blood and I started Norwegian A1 level one week ago. Its soo hard to learn, but I will finish this level within 1 month with Brage Academy. Very Good Concept.
Hiraoka Fusazane
From Fukuoka Japan
I am originally form Indonesia, educated engineer working for a constructing company. With Brage Academy I double booked both Norwegian and English into one package. Super Effective.
Aditya Gunawan
From Bali, Indonesia