English level B1 (Pre-Intermediate / Intermediate) is the third CEFR English language level. We provide the international CEFR description, followed by study targets and links to our free online English training.
At the end of English level B1, you can:
- understand the main points on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc.
- deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an English-speaking area.
- produce simple connected text on topics, which are familiar, or of personal interest.
- describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes & ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.
(Adapted from the international CEFR framework. This is set out by the Council of Europe (2001) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: learning, teaching, assessment.)
Study targets for English level B1
Here are our study targets for the key components of English level B1.
You can also click on different items for free online English lessons, which include descriptions of each language point, examples and quizzes.
English communication (B1)
- Describing experiences and events
- Expressing hopes and ambitions
- Describing feelings
- Giving reasons
- Giving opinions
- Expressing preferences
- Stating obligations
- Expressing certainty
- Describing events in the past
- Describing events in the future
English vocabulary (B1)
- Feelings and emotions
- Travel and transport
- Entertainment
- Leisure activities
- Sport, health and fitness
- Education
- News and media
- Technology
- Time expressions for the past
- Time expressions for the future
English grammar (B1)
- Adverbs for time, degree, manner
- Past habits and states (used to)
- Present perfect simple
- Modals: should have, might have etc
- Present continuous(future)
- Future simple: will
- Future: going to
- Present perfect continuous
- Past continuous
- Past perfect simple
- Conditionals (first and second)
- Future continuous
- Passives
For more information about each English level and study targets, click and choose one from the arrow above or from the the six levels below:
English courses
You can also develop faster by taking English courses with qualified English teachers.
English for Work and English Exams
You may now want to focus on specific areas, such as:
- English for Work. This includes Business English, Legal English and more.
- English examinations. You can also prepare for one of the internationally-recognised English proficiency exams, and some of the most popular and the Cambridge exams and IELTS.
Our Teachers for these Courses